Web application prototype for MLB/NFL sports district.

Conducted user research, led executives to align on a vision for a new web application to drive visitors to the Arlington Entertainment District, designed and validated the user experience, and created a clickable prototype.


  • Conducted 31 interviews

  • Ran 6 design thinking workshops with executives across 5 partnering organizations

  • Artifacts: Narrative, Storyboard, 2 Service Blueprints, MLP backlog, Reference Architecture

Influenced $1.34M in cloud platform revenue.

Web application prototype for collective of advertising agencies.

Defined the future-state experience and interface for a web app that helps advertising agencies to identify new potential clients to pitch their services to proactively, as opposed to waiting for those clients to send out Requests for Information (RFIs), to which the agencies currently need to respond within a tight timeline, limiting their ability to fully showcase their capabilities and win new business.


  • Conducted workshop with executives

  • Define current- and future-state experience

  • Facilitated the algorithm design discussion

  • Designed the user interface and prototype

Technical build proposal is awaiting response.