Mobile application (iOS) prototype for health technology startup, Mindwell Labs.

Redesigned the front-end experience for Attention Quotient (AQ), a science-based app that helps users track their “mental fitness” to improve daily performance.


  • Conducted user research

  • Redesigned the user interface

  • Managed software implementation

Download app here.

Mobile application (iOS) prototype for golf coaching platform.

Worked with top US golf association to define skill progression levels for golf players, design an app for golfers and coaches to interact and measure golf skill progression of time, and created a clickable prototype demonstrating the full-feature mobile app.


  • Interviewed 32 client executives, coaches and golfers

  • Crafted current- and future-state experiences

  • Mocked up idea and validated with potential users

  • Created full-feature clickable prototype

  • Defined feature backlog for technical implementation

  • Artifacts: Service Design Blueprint, Reference Architecture

Clickable prototype available upon request.

Mobile application (iOS) prototype for personal startup idea.

Developed the concept, design, and clickable prototype for an app that provides personalized recommendations for new experiences (e.g. bars and restaurants) based on users with similar preferences.


  • Came up with the original idea

  • Designed algorithm for an initial working prototype in Excel

  • Conducted user research with friends and strangers in NYC

  • Designed the front-end experience through 5+ iterations

  • Recruited 5 teammates and 4 software engineering interns

  • Managed software product through development phase

Recognized in the top 10% of YCombinator applicants for W20 cohort.